Friday, February 8, 2013

Freeform Friday

I'm going to kick off my Freeform Fridays today.

I will make this a linky day, so that you can post a picture of your freeform scrumbles work plus your latest finish as well, then we can all see what each of us is doing.  We can keep up with each other, and encourage one another when we need to.

Good idea?

Then join in on Fridays, won't you?Tell your friends to drop by and join in with us as well?

I'll start with an old piece I did quite some time ago, but I do like it:

It's my little underwater coral scene, I love it!! I also have some more crochet and freeform work HERE if you would like to take a look.

So come on now, join in and show us your Freeform this Friday using the list!

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